
Friday, April 27, 2007


Let's not act suprised she has no talent she makes good reality T.V.and why not ride your 15 minutes of fame even if it causes you low self-esteem, making a complete ass out of yourself and getting dumped 3 times on national T.V. only (Tiffany aka New York Pollard) would do this...Because now we know this is truly just T.V. at her expense...."GET PAID OR GET LAUGHED AT TRYING"... _________________________________________________________________________________ Company: VH 1 Contact: State: CA Posted On: Apr 24, 07 Expires On: Apr 24, 07 Description: CASTING 2ND SEASON OF I LOVE NEW YORK HEY MY FELLOW SEXY SINGLE MEN. YES IT’S OFFICIAL I’M CASTING SEASON 2 OF “I LOVE NEW YORK”. I’M CASTING ALL TYPES AND ETHNIC BACKGROUNDS. MY BREAKDOWN IS THIS AND PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT UNLESS YOU FIT THE BREAKDOWN AND FOLLOW SUBMISSION GUIDELINES. STRAIGHT MEN AGES-21 TO 36 ALL RACES: EXTREME PERSONALITIES:


  1. oh no not again!!

  2. tiffany dont do this again. tango left not for a good reason he failed to realize you shared alot with him your home.we fail to realize that the lord has all the answers to our prayers. he should of forgiven you for what you said
    unconditional love is what we need today in our life. it should not of matter to you what tango mother look like love her for who she is another thing . be satisfied how God made you. dont be adding to your body you look okay from the beginning . tango didnt do such agood job by doing you like that on tv. he knew flav had already broke your heart twice. fame doesnt last forever. family life is good investment something real.


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