
Thursday, March 15, 2007

O.J. WON’T SEE ANY MORE BOOK MONEY: Judge orders all future profits directed to Goldman family.

A judge has prevented O.J. Simpson from pocketing any further proceeds from his cancelled book and corresponding TV special. The money, along with rights to the book “If I Did It,” will be sent directly to the family of Ron Goldman, who was killed along with Simpson’s ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson in 1994. O.J. was acquitted of the murders, but found liable in a civil court and was ordered to pay the families a $33.5 million judgment – which has since grown closer to $38 million with interest. In an attempt to collect the money, Goldman asked the court to order that funds from the book/TV deal be applied toward the judgment. On Tuesday, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Gerald Rosenberg barred Simpson from receiving any further compensation, and ordered the bundled book rights to be auctioned off – with proceeds directed to the Goldman family. "This is a guarantee that if they ever publish this thing, Mr. Simpson won't see a dime from it," Goldman family attorney Jonathan Polak said.

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