
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

TIM HARDAWAY STILL APOLOGIZING: Former NBA player now says, ‘I don’t hate gay people.’

Since saying someone is Gay is now the new F-Word the saga continues for one homophobic, "I don't hate gay people," Hardaway now says, in a complete 180 from his previous remarks. "I'm a goodhearted person. I interact with people all the time. ... I respect people. For me to say 'hate' was a bad word, and I didn't mean to use it." But just last week he said: Hardaway actually expressed a hatred for homosexuals during the radio interview when asked to comment about the recent declaration of gay former NBA player John Amaechi. Hardaway said he didn't believe gay players should share a locker room with heterosexual players, then added, "I don't like gay people, and I don't like to be around gay people." On Sunday, he acknowledged "that was very bad." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HOUSE OF GLITZ: IT'S AMAZING HOW WE ALL SING "WE ARE THE WORLD" ONCE OUR MONEY STOP FLOWING, BECAUSE WE PUT OUR FOOT IN OUR MONTH. DID HE NOT LEARN FROM ISAIAH WASHINGTON FROM "GREY'S ANATOMY" JUST THINK IT DON'T SAY IT....AT LEAST NOT ON CAMERA!!! 2 DIFFERENT PEOPLE SPEAKING NOW...."GO SIT DOWN"..

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