
Friday, February 16, 2007

SEAN PAUL TO SEND NEW MESSAGE: Dancehall Star to Increase Awareness of Youth Violence in Jamaica.

In a recent article, dancehall star Sean Paul addresses his concerns regarding youth violence is his homeland of Jamaica. Sean Paul admits that his next album will be unlike what people are used to. In an interview conducted by MTV News, the artist said that "the content is just a little different than what people expect from me. [On] one or two of the songs ... it's not about partying, it's not about ladies; it's about the kids with the guns in the streets. It's more reality." The report says Sean Paul's up and coming LP will place emphasis on the issues that hit home to him. Since he started his recording last September, two people very close to him have passed; a founding member of his Dutty Rock crew, and a younger friend that attended a party with Sean Paul the night before he was killed. "The next day he goes back to his community and gets shot to death, It's upsetting to see these kids'lives wasted," Sean Paul said when asked about the incident. "I saw potential in these two kids and many others. It really hit home. And I'm thinking of a voice, I need to say something to people." Don't get it twisted though, Sean Paul still like to mak'em dance. The reggae rocker is currently working on a remix to Akon's "I Wanna Love You" which should be hitting radio sometime in the near future, according to the MTV article.


  1. that is so awesome!!

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