
Thursday, January 25, 2007

Shake It Fast, Mystikal is released from prison?

They're saying rapper Mystikal was released from prison last week. Apparently there were no paparazzi waiting outside the prison walls to snap the first photo. It seems Mystikal fell off hard since he and two of his bodyguards were accused of raping his 36-year-old hair stylist and video recording the assualt. It remains to be seen whether the New Orleans native can make a come back. Mystikal, real name Michael L. Tyler, 36, was convicted of sexual battery and sentenced to six years in prison in 2004.According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, a Michael L. Tyler, aged 36, was released from a Federal prison on January 11. In 2004, Mystikal paid his victim $350,000 - $300,000 of it borrowed from his label.


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