
Tuesday, January 16, 2007


LOS ANGELES - O.J. Simpson's ex-wife charged him like "a banshee," and he then found himself "drenched in blood and holding a bloody knife," according to a hypothetical "confession" contained in his nixed tell-all book, Newsweek magazine says. In a single chapter obtained by the magazine, titled "The Night In Question," Simpson outlines a scenario that matches much of the actual evidence in the 1994 murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman. In the book, Simpson says Nicole "all but drove him to kill her. He describes her as the 'enemy.' She is taunting him with her sexual dalliances ... carrying on inappropriately in front of their children," the Newsweek story says.According to Simpson's hypothetical account, he went to Nicole's condo with a friend named Charlie on the night of June 12, 1994, to "scare her" after hearing reports of her wild behavior, including alleged drug use.In his book, Simpson said he kept a wool hat and gloves in his Ford Bronco for when it was chilly at the golf course as well as a knife to deal with the "crazies" around Los Angeles.Simpson insisted yesterday the murder tale in the book was not his work. It "was created mostly by a ghostwriter from research the writer did and is not a confession" by him, he told The Associated Press.Simmpson was paid an estimated $1 million for his quashed book and TV deal with Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. The book was set to be published by ReganBooks, a division of HarperCollins But angry public protest, led by the victims' families, spurred News Corp. to kill the deal in November. All 400,000 copies of the book were ordered destroyed. Murdoch fired Regan last month allegedly for launching an anti-Semitic tirade at a company lawyer.

1 comment:

  1. I sick of him, let Nicole rest in peace!!


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