
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Latrell Sprewell Sued for $200 million suit for beating down Baby Mama...

The mother of four of former Knick Latrell Sprewell's children sued him for $200 million Monday, alleging Sprewell broke their long-term cohabitation deal and roughed her up last month in their Westchester County home. Candace Cabbil brought the lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, saying Sprewell recently ended the steady living arrangement that developed after they met in 1989 when both attended the UniversityThe lawsuit says that on Sept. 8, Sprewell broke his promise to share his life, and his fortune, with Cabbil when he entered their Purchase, N.Y., home and announced they needed "to end this fake" relationship. In Dec. Sprewell entered there home chase her down and smacked her for trying to use a cell phone to call 911. Then he Allegedly grabbed her dragged her down a flight of stairs causing physical and emotional damage.


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