
Monday, January 22, 2007

BLIGE ADDRESSES MARRIAGE RUMORS IN JET MAGAZINE: Couple was vacationing in Mexico when they heard about this mess

*Mary J. Blige is featured in the new Jet magazine addressing a round of rumors that has her on the verge of divorcing husband-manager Kendu Isaacs over infidelity. "I read the page that was on my husband's pager: 'News Flash: Mary J. Blige and Her Husband Are Getting a Divorce,’” she tells Jet. “I was like, but here we are in Mexico, lying around in the sun having a good time. I said, 'This is crazy.'" Despite Blige’s denials and the couple’s recent appearance together at the Golden Globes last Monday, the New York Daily News recently quoted a source stating, "it isn't a happy household there right now." Blige is reportedly blaming former employees for planting false stories about her marriage, explaining: “That's people that come around... You hire them and then you fire them, and then they're disgruntled and then they start rumors over maybe something, like, they probably seen us having a quick argument or something like that." HOUSE OF GLITZ: WE WILL SEE MARY I GOT YOUR BACK BUT YOU BETTER WATCH HIM SOMETHING IS NOT SOUNDING RIGHT....TOO BE CONTINUED!!!


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