
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

NFL fines Cowboys' Owens $35,000 for spitting on Hall

THIS IS JUST GROSS!!!.... T.O. was fined $35,000 by the NFL on Monday for spitting in the face of Atlanta cornerback DeAngelo Hall during Saturday night's Cowboys-Falcons game. Owens, however, told Westwood One radio that he has filed an appeal of the fine. Although it's more than twice as much as the last fine for spitting, the flamboyant receiver avoided a suspension. That doesn't mean he is out of Cowboys coach Bill Parcells' doghouse. Parcells said Monday "we don't condone that kind of activity," adding that the team may also punish Owens. "If we did, I wouldn't make anybody aware of it," Parcells said, thus indicating that the penalty wouldn't be a suspension either. Owens wasn't ejected because officials didn't see it. Hall had called for the NFL to suspend Owens. "I think, for what he did, he deserves more than a fine," Hall said on Sunday. "The guy has all the money in the world. He's making $10 million or whatever this year. So what's a fine going to mean to him, really? What he did, it was [vulgar], you know? But he's a great player, a great competitor, and what would hurt him a lot more than a fine is making him sit. That would get his attention. And that's what I think the league should do. They need to do something pretty [severe], because there's something wrong with him, and he just can't get away with this kind of stuff." When told on Monday that Owens was not suspended, Hall responded, "It's over, it's done. We are getting ready for these Carolina Panthers to come to town. I can care less if I hear his name again." "When it happened, we were jawing in each other's face, so it wasn't anything intentional," Owens said. "I didn't intentionally spit in his face. He's trying to make it seem like more than what it was by saying I hauled off and spit in his face. I feel like if I spit in his face ... somebody would've seen it."The punishment hardly makes a dent in Owens' wallet. He's making $10 million this season as part of a three-year, $25 million contract signed in March.

1 comment:

  1. I read thia already, he is a mess!!


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