
Friday, December 15, 2006


Deecmber 14. We told you it was coming. An insider emailed and stated that Janet Jackson will officially be leaving Virgin Records. Here's the full text of the email: Virgin is selling the company. With that being said, every artist is being affected. This could take up to 2 months to a year. What does this mean? All of the funds/money is being frozen for everyone unless they pay for it out of their own pockets. Janet isn't going to be shooting a video for "With U", because it's just not looking possible. She still plans on touring, and tour rehearsals will start up soon. A re-release? That's looking unlikely too. Do you really want her to? Why re-release on a label that is showing no support on other formats besides Urban? It'll just be a way to make more money for Virgin, and it just wouldn't be smart to do at this point. The tour will go on as planned, and Janet will sign to another label. Janet doesn't need a single and/or an album to tour. Remember that. Once Janet gets re-signed (she's shopping around now), the tour will push forward. It won't take as long as you think. She needs label support to tour. Hope this didn't ruin anyone's day, but it's the reality of the situation. to be continued...

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