
Sunday, December 10, 2006


Actually, Angelina Jolie is a superior human in every possible way. It turns out, she gives really great gifts, too. In honor of Brad Pitt’s upcoming birthday (the actor turns 43 on December 18), Jolie treated her man to a two-hour private tour of Fallingwater, the architectural wonder built by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1936. The residence, constructed over a waterfall in Bear Run, Pennsylvania, is considered one of Wright’s masterpieces. "Brad said he had wanted to experience Fallingwater ever since he took an architectural history course in college," Cara Armstrong, Fallingwater's Curator of Education, told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette after the couple stopped by Thursday. "He and I talked quite a bit about design and art. He was incredibly well informed about architecture." The couple was "very gracious and very engaged in the house,” according to Armstrong. “As we say in the Midwest, you could tell their mothers raised them right.” She continued: "Brad said he had a visual sense of Fallingwater but experiencing it in person, hearing the sound of the waterfall cascading under the house and smelling the wood from the fireplace, was better than anything he could have imagined." After the tour, Jolie, 31, arranged for the couple to share champagne and caviar in Fallingwater's living room. Afterward, they graciously invited the staff to join them. "He's so hard to buy for," Jolie told the Fallingwater staff members

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