
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Snapfest...Atlanta Voted Most Gayest City....How Yoooooooou Doin??

Is anybody shocked by this Poll?? Would they should have said ATL named gayest city 5 plus years in a row that's more accurate aiiight. Well according to The Advocate magazine, Atlanta rates as the nation's gayest city, followed by Burlington, Vt., Iowa City, Bloomington and Madison, Wis. Don't bother looking for San Francisco, New York or Los Angeles -- those supposed gay meccas don't even place in the rankings compiled by the nation's oldest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender publication. (yea right).

"I buy that," said Joe Pennington, 23, a barista at Outwrite Bookstore in Midtown. "Odds are 50 percent that if you're gay and lesbian, you'll eventually end up in Atlanta."

Child this is so funny like is this article worthy tell us something we don't know ..To read more (Click Now) 

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