
Friday, May 16, 2008


Diddy’s step-son Quincy (Kim Porter’s child with Al B. Sure) will be featured on an episode of “My Super Sweet 16″ airing Monday, May 19th at 10 p.m. EST on MTV. At his “Stunna 16″ themed birthday party, Quincy will record a single with a top rap artist, judge a dance contest where $5,000 is up for grabs, and stage one of the best concerts in “My Super Sweet 16″ history.

Mariah Carey's Ex Mark Sudack "Heartbroken" Over Wedding!!!

MARIAH all smiles at operation smiles gala last night Nick was the DJ. Can you believe this Call Mark Sudack a casualty of Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon’s whirlwind love. For nearly four years, Carey, 38, quietly dated the music producer, who worked on her E=MC2 CD. Though the two secretly split in early 2008, Sudack is shattered by his ex’s nuptial news.
“Everyone is scared to call him because no one knows what to say,” a pal says in the newest issue of Us Weekly, on stands now. “He never thought she would go off and marry someone else. He’s heartbroken and shocked," says the pal, adding that he "loved her so much."
As for Carey, it seems she couldn’t be happier with her new husband, 27. And like he stated they had broken up which mean if she got married that quick then it wasn't much love to begin with. Read More (click now) ************************************************************************************ HOUSE OF GLITZ: That's right...Way to be a Man Mariah isn't that how they do woman?? Dump them (ie Jennifer Anniston) and start a whole no family?. DAY 15!!


Meagan Good was spotted outside of the Crown Club in Hollyweird last night working those "crotch cover" pants and freezing her ass off. Check out more leg action and Ms. Good’s June cover of Sister 2 Sister Magazine above. Here are some excerpts: pregnancy rumors:
No it's just a rumor. 'Cause I gained some happy love weight, and I guess people assumed I was pregnant.
Getting film roles in Hollywood:
There's so few roles in Hollywood. I think we get reduced to, like , we'll just do anything as long as we can work. Meagan: It's so frustrating because you have to pay the bills and you have to work
Meagan can be seen next as Justin Timberlake's love interest in the upcoming Mike Myers film, "The Love Guru". You can check out the trailer below: Looks funny ************************************************************************************ HOUSE OF GLITZ: KUDOS to Megan she has been consistently working and she seems to be a sweet girl.!! Hopefully one day she will get her breakout role


So grab your partner & doesy do Yee haw..Celebrities are speaking out on the decision by the California Supreme Court to overturn the state’s ban on same-sex marriage. Here are just what a few of the he movers and shakers of the GAY community had to say: Ellen Degeneres:
“I’m thrilled that the California supreme court overturned the ban on gay marriage. I can’t wait to get married. We all deserve the same rights, and I believe that someday we’ll look back on this and not allowing gays to marry will seem as absurd as not allowing women to vote. P.S. I’m registered at Crate & Barrel.”
T.R. Knight Grey Anatomy actor:
“Our ‘certain inalienable rights’ are protected today. It makes me proud to live in a country that works to correct its sins.”
Melissa Etheridge:
“I feel they have made an honest woman of me. What a wonderful blessing for us and the gay community. We’re moving forward. It makes me feel happy for the whole human race that we are finally getting out of our differences and coming together and we are putting this all behind us.”
Chad Allen:
“I have to say I was completely shocked at the level of emotion of my own reaction. It’s not that I didn’t care, it’s just that I didn’t know that I cared that much… I’m thinking about getting married. I am in love with my partner, deeply madly in love with him, and though I am not ready to propose yet, it is in there.”
To read more celebrity reactions (CLICK NOW) visit
************************************************************************************ HOUSE OF GLITZ; I'M SURE TODAY WILL BE FILLED WITH SKITTLES (FEEL THE RAINBOW), Look forward to reactions from Tyler Perry, Al Reynolds e.t.c. they must be thrilled ..!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Cha Ching..!!Alicia Keys Alicia Keys is busy enjoying life right now and possibly enjoying “the last laugh.” The “Teenage Love Affair” singer reportedly just signed a $25 million deal with Vitamin Water! The new deal according to reports will be revealed next week however, very ironic considering 50 Cent’s $400 million relationship with Vitamin Water (2007) and his recent comments calling Keys’ out on her recent comments about Gangsta Rap but nevertheless The “No One” hit maker is expected to become the new face of the beverage company’s health-conscious products later this year. ************************************************************************************* HOUSE OF GLITZ: We pay a dollar per bottle but it retails for $25million. Must be nice!!!


Angelina looks Stunning and its confirmed she's having twins in August. Barbie & Ken how perfect!! This is cute looks like the guys are pregnant to. They are promoting "Kung Fu Panda" Lil Star letting her implants breathe with the nervous smile (Al getting all my money), WTF is she there for. Actually she was invited by Grammy Award winner Denise Rich foundation dinner on a 35 million dollar yacht more to come on that. If she smiles any harder she will be crying..!! Eva Longoria looking gorgeous ..No worries Tony Parker state side trying to win the NBA title. Kelly performed at the benefit.Denise Rich & Broken Star..!! Danny Glover ************************************************************************************* HOUSE OF GLITZ; Word on the street is MC=NC2 (Mariah & Nick), are headed to Paris also which can only mean DAY 15.

5th Annual Ludacris Foundation Dinner and Casino Night - ATL..!!!

5th Annual Ludacris Foundation Dinner and Casino Night was held at The Fooundry at Puritan Mill in Atlanta last night. The Ludacris Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping young people achieve their dreams.
Read More (click now) Now you really see how short Luda is.. Luda Mom made it she's pretty!! CEE-LO GREEN AKA GNARLS BARKLEY MAYOR OF ATL-SHIRLEY FRANKLIN

LOVEFEST CONTINUES...MC = NC2 SHUT DOWN Six Flags Magic Mountain..!!!

Another day of MC=NC2 shut down Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, CA for Mariah and 100 of the couple’s closest family and friends. Check out all the photos from their night of fun. They are definitely “eternally 12.” Nick’s family looks like they won the lottery. Congrats again to MC and Nick! MARIAH & HER MOM MARIAH & GRANDFATHER ************************************************************************************* HOUSE OF GLITZ: Day 14...!!


It's about DAM time, the decision surprised many, as Whitney is the first plus sized girl who made it to the final three - let alone won the fierce competition.
"There's definitely times I've looked in the mirror and looked at other girls and thought, I wasn't like them," said the the 20-year-old from Florida. "I want other women in America to feel good about themselves…It's amazing to be America's Next Top Model. This is exactly what I want. This is what I've always wanted!"
Winning America's Next Top Model means Whitney will be on the cover of Seventeen magazine and gets a $100,000 contract with CoverGirl cosmetics represented by Elite Model Management. Read More (click now)
************************************************************************************* HOUSE OF GLITZ; CONGRATULATIONS ....THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO CHANGE THE FACE OF WHAT'S CONSIDERED NORMAL WHICH IS ALL THOSE SIZE 0. They say she's full figured I think she's Normal.


Fantasia performed “Bore Me (Yawn)” on Wednesday night’s elimination episode of “American Idol” sporting a bright red hairdo LOOKING A HOT ASS MESS. Simon’s face says it all.


Usually this is the time I would say why is she copying?, But in this case this is a great thing following in the footsteps of Oprah, Madonna plans on building a school for girls in Malawi. This is were Madonna's adopted son is from. Her lawyer said,
"A task force of four prominent Malawians has already been formed to head the project which will be on the scale of what Oprah Winfrey has in South Africa. It is a multi-million dollar project and we will get the real costs in the next two weeks.
" Now if this what it takes to get help in Africa other Celebrities mimicking each other then I high five the effort as long as they are getting some real help.
Read More (Click Now) ************************************************************************************* HOUSE OF GLITZ; NICE!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Yeah "B"...She’s a singer, she’s a movie star and now she may be a TV actress as well. Rumour is mill is turning and we caught wind that Beyonce’s management team is negotiating to get Beyonce a recurring role on ABC’s popular TV show Desperate Housewives. A source in Beyonce’s camp told as been overheard saying.
“They’ve already agreed to give Beyonce a cameo appearance. But [we're] hoping that [she] could be written in for a recurring role, or possibly even a permanent one.”
Beyonce is Hot enough to join the cast I can see this happening. But right now it's just a RUMOUR...!! (to be continued). ************************************************************************************ HOSUE OF GLITZ; I LOVE Desperate Housewives and right now the show has no African American presence so this would be interesting.

ABSOLUT 100 Official Concert After Party for Kanye West..!!!

Kanye West after party with no West?? ANTM winners Models Saleisha Stowers and CariDee English Jaslene Gonzalez, Aubrey and Janice Dickinson Nick's ex-Selita Banks Aubrey from (DK) & Quddos

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


ITS OFFICIALLY I BELIEVE HER AND NOW I can stop posting them every single day..well let's not go that far "Maria Mania" has begun. This is a very good happy interview.. !!< She gives details about there wedding and plans on celebrating there wedding every year. Also press have released MC=NC2 have rented out Six Flags Magic Mountain in Los Angeles to celebrate ther nuptials with friends./span> *************************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GITZ: I'M VERY HAPPY FOR MC=NC2, WELL AT LEAST FOR NOW.!!!


Miss Al Reynolds is speaking out for the first time since his March split from wife Star Jones. In a post on MySpace, when I checked he was online now... Reynolds, 36, writes:
"I know in my heart that I entered my marriage with love and the best of intentions and leave it with great sadness that it didn't work."
Reynolds doesn't open up about the reason for the split, but he makes it clear that the media coverage has hurt him.
"If you think you are having a tough day, may I propose you walk in my shoes for a few hours," he writes. "In my mind, it feels like 'Dump on Al Month.' And I'm not having fun yet. I have been called a gigolo, a freeloader, unemployed, a sham and many other things that don't bear repeating. People on television, radio and the internet have spoken disparagingly of my life, my sexuality, my career and my integrity.
I'm tearing up...Not!!
"I indeed work very hard as a professor, business owner, doctoral student and author. I play hard too," he adds. "I make no apologies for that. A guy is entitled to a little fun, after all. "As much as I want to defend myself, it seems like a silly and futile exercise," he writes. "It's clear that the media doesn't want to let the truth get in the way of a good story. I hate to ruin their fun. I take great comfort in the fact that my loved ones and those people who really know me continue to love and respect me." Reynolds, who met Jones when he was a banker, is now finishing up his doctorate in organizational leadership and teaching at Florida Memorial University. “What I want people to know is that I am not the caricature portrayed by the media. I am complex, contradictory and capable of great intelligence but also remarkable stupidity. In other words, I am a human being. To me, labels are for clothes, not people. So…..Please don’t try to define me; don’t try to categorize me; and most of all, don’t label me. Instead, JUST GET TO KNOW ME. And if you see me, just call me Al.”
Read more (click now) ************************************************************************************ HOUSE OF GLITZ: OK GIRL WE GOT YOUR POINT WE WILL NOW REFER TO HER AS Miss Al. Hope that helps..!!!


Not impressed I have seen Usher perform much better then this. Notice he really does not enter act with the crowd I'm sure Man-eka was there riding on her broom messing this whole performance up. Usher is going to have to step it up..!! ************************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ; THERE'S NO LOVE IN THIS CLUB...More like some tired lip syncing..!!


Reminisce Smith aka Remy Ma was sentenced to eight years in prison for shooting her longtime friend Makeda Barnes-Joseph in the stomach back in 2007 over an alleged confrontation about stolen money. Back in March, she was found guilty of first-degree assault, criminal weapons charges and attempted coercion. I think she should have got the full 25 years.
THIS IS WHAT SHE HAD TO SAY.."Throughout this unfortunate case, I was advised from my attorney to stay silent but now I want you all to see me for me and what I've gone through," said Remy as tears fell. "Reporters and newspapers have called me a 'hardcore rapper,' a 'hip-hop harlot'—Remy Ma is just a music industry name. A facade. I'm not a thug. I'm not a hardcore anything. I have feelings. I'm Remy Smith—No, I'm Remy Mackie. I'm a wife, mother, daughter and big sister."
Excuse me does she think she's the victim?? Never once saying I'm sorry e.t.c.
Fiance rapper Papoose kirked out in the hallway outside the courtroom. The rapper Papoose exploded in a fit of anger outside a Manhattan courtroom this morning just moments after his tearful bride-to-be, Remy Ma, faced down an eight-year sentence for shooting a woman outside of a West Side hot spot last summer. “Get the fuck off me. Fuck ya’ll. Fuck jail,” screamed Papoose as his 10-person entourage restrained him and court officers told him to move it along and exit the hallway outside of Manhattan Supreme Court. “I don’t care. Lock me up. Lock me up. Take me to jail. Arrest me. It’s all about money.”
And they should have requested him his wish. Read more (Click Now) *********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: KNOW THAT'S WHAT THE F-CK I CALL A CHAIN REACTION (her words on the song lean back)...She's going to have to lean back, bend over, cop a swat and then some at her new home with her shiny new bracelets. ...WHOSE NEXT..!!!


Picture Mariah & Nick with Ellen and her Actress girlfriend Cougar Carey & Boy Toy Nick attended Ellen DeGeneres big 50TH birthday party Saturday night. And the guest list at the Warner Bros. studio lot’s carnival- and casino-themed soirĂ©e was star-studded… Among the 600 or so well-wishers were newlyweds Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon, Janet Jackson, Jonas Brothers, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Allison Janney, T.R. Knight, Ray Romano, Joely Fisher, Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale, Paris and Nicky Hilton with their boyfriends Benji Madden and David Katzenberg and, of course, DeGeneres’ girlfriend, Portia de Rossi. Read More (Click Now) ************************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ; You know for the first 30 days of there marriage there every move with be pictured but one thing is a common theme it's the smile on there face. They seem to be happy and of course we know they are in the Annulment period I mean Honeymoon period of there marriage. Haven't found them a nickname yet working on that.


The beautiful Rihanna GOOD GIRL GONE GREAT
Those legs? They're insured. That haircut? Legendary. The chances that serial hit-maker Rihanna will keep churning out gold-whether in music, fashion, or film-for some time to come? Spectacular.
Read More (click now) ************************************************************************************ HOUSE OF GLITZ; Such a pretty girl I really like Miss Ri Ri

"Sex And The City" World Premiere -LONDON

Critics have been concerned why not have the 1st premiere in NY?, and they stated? "
We're building to the New York premiere which is enormous and happens just before the film opens worldwide,"
Sex And The City" Opens May 30th. Can't Wait. Want to know what the girls were wearing (Click Now)
Sarah Jessica's hat is wack..trying to hard with this outfit Kelly London still trying to push her struggling album